Career Guidance
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எழுத்தாளர் :Dr.B. Ravi Babu
பதிப்பகம் :நியூ செஞ்சுரி புக் ஹவுஸ்
Publisher :New century book house
புத்தக வகை :பொது
பக்கங்கள் :195
பதிப்பு :1
Published on :2009
ISBN :9788123416016
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Career Guidace : We offer our hearty gratitude and high indebtedness to the follwing authors, their books , joumals, magazines and newspapers whose ideas and materials that are incorporated in the making of this book so that the younger generation who grope in the darkness of ignorance and lack of proper information and guidance may get enlightened and crop rich and eternal benefits such as good career choice, contented life and success in their chosen profession. this book is by no means exhaustive one, but a small setp in the right direction that would light the lives of thousands of youngsters and their families, whose economic status is bound to shine and het enhanced in the nearest futur. Mr.M.Karunkaran of ncbh for their inspiration, encouragemant ,enthusiasm , ciiperation and dynamism which enabled the making of this modest book to serve the modern younger generation .