English for competitive Examination
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எழுத்தாளர் :Dr.V. Ayothi
பதிப்பகம் :நியூ செஞ்சுரி புக் ஹவுஸ்
Publisher :New century book house
புத்தக வகை :கல்வி
பக்கங்கள் :270
பதிப்பு :10
Published on :2009
ISBN :9788123407351
Add to CartEnglish for Competitive Examinations : English continues to be the language of official communication, administration, medium of instructioin, dissemination of knowledge and information , etc.it is considered an effective tool of communication at all levels. its importance is felt very much today with the world becoming smaller and smaller"due to fast developments in areas like travel, communication and technology. Young men and women need to cross the borders of their regions, nations and lanhuahes in search of better opportunities in education and employment. Hence , attaining proficency in the use of english lanhuage has become inevitable. consequently, one 's aboloty to use the english language is tested in all competitive examinations.
Indian universities and colleges, therefore, offer english for competitive examinations in the undergraduate programme. the objective behind is to apeed up the acquisition process of skills and competance in english as a second language. the format followed in competitive examinations is undergoing enormous change, quite appropriately. However , the constants pertainig to the acquisition of language skills, having a linguistic to the grammatical base, remain intact.the best language conventions handed down by the anguage, are fairly finite in so far the currency of the language is concerned.
V.A & R .V
Indian universities and colleges, therefore, offer english for competitive examinations in the undergraduate programme. the objective behind is to apeed up the acquisition process of skills and competance in english as a second language. the format followed in competitive examinations is undergoing enormous change, quite appropriately. However , the constants pertainig to the acquisition of language skills, having a linguistic to the grammatical base, remain intact.the best language conventions handed down by the anguage, are fairly finite in so far the currency of the language is concerned.
V.A & R .V