
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Tom Sawyer

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எழுத்தாளர் :David and Kevin McKay
பதிப்பகம் :நியூ செஞ்சுரி புக் ஹவுஸ்
Publisher :New century book house
புத்தக வகை :கதைகள்
பக்கங்கள் :162
பதிப்பு :2
Published on :2018
ISBN :9788123434292
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Tom Sawyer lives a life that is full of laughs and games and everything else that a young boy likes.  He hates school and hates work, and he has a hundred tricks to get of both.

After tom falls in love with beautiful becky Thatcher, she breaks his heart.  He runs away with his friends to live on an island. He looks for (and finds) buried treasure.  He is lost for days in a cave.  And he goes to his own funeral.

With his friedn Huckleberry Finn, Tom faces danger and death as he learns the secrets of a real killer and his robber friend, who will kill them both of they tell what they know.

In the end, the boys show that they have good hearts under all their fighting and tricking, and they win the lover of the whole town.